
Hispaniola Medical Care | 19 Hamilton PL | New York| NY 10031 | Tel: 212-234-0800 Fax 212-234-2223
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Caring for the community in your Town
There is no better way to stay healthy than following a healthy lifestyle that includes seeing your primary care provider regularly. You can trust your Hispaniola Medical Care primary care physician board certified or advanced practice nurse with annual check-ups, preventive health screenings, unscheduled “sick” visits, medication management, vaccines, and more. Hispaniola Medical care has several important functions other than restoring or maintaining health. Our primary doctors help you manage your health. They can help you with preventive care, like your routine physicals, screenings and immunizations, and also diagnose and manage many common chronic conditions like hypertension or type 2 diabetes.
COVID-19 Testing Center
Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Developed by Goolootech
Doctor Rosario